Among his more famous adult roles, Cameron played the younger man in Father Figure 2 and a hunk looking for romance in The Bachelor. He also graced the pages of Men (October 2002), Manshots (March 2001) and Freshman (June 2000) among other magazines. He enjoyed a big fan club of men (a popular fan request was for a molded dildo replica of his cock) and performed in the TV series Wet
Palms between 2005-2006 in which he played the role of Dirk Beckendorf. We welcome here to VGMH as a part of gay media history.


"Wet Palms" TV series in 2005-06 in which he played the role of Dirk Beckendorf. - See more at: http://www.sdgln.com/social/2014/06/19/gay-porn-star-cameron-fox-dies#sthash.qOohzNqH.dpuf